DML: Digital Mathematics Library
Also: WDML: World Digital Mathematics Library

Retrodigitized Mathematics Journals and Monographs

New items here since 1. 1. 2013, most recent first Start

Contains links to 4609 digitized books (> 647486 pages )
and to 577 digitized journals/seminars (> 4303824 pages).
(Numbers of pages are preliminary; not all informations are already available.)

Includes all the links mentioned on page 920 of: Allyn Jackson, "The Digital Mathematics Library",
Notices Amer. Math. Soc., vol. 50 (8), 2003 [Local Copy]
A similar list is offered at

The database for this table is an ASCII based (UTF-8 extended) list, which may be parsed by this PERL script.
If you want items to be added here, please send me [] the necessary data.

Lists ordered by "Journal", "Repository" (Journals only) or by "Author name", "Title" are provided, as well as an
overview of the repositories.

Google search for this registry:

Author:[A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z ]
Title:[A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z ]

Remark: Repositories marked by '*' require paid subscription.

Nr. Repository: Author, Title (Books only): Pages: Year(s): Type:
1 IA Underwood, Ralph S.: Intermediate Algebra * book
2 IA Unger, Ephraim Salomon, 1789-1870: Die Bedeutung der zwei Bücher des Apollonius von den Berührungen für die geometrische Analysis [microform] book
3 Michigan Unger, Friedrich: Die Methodik der praktischen Arithmetik in historischer Entwickelung vom Ausgange des Mittelalters bis auf die Gegenwart. 210 1888 book
4 IA United States Army . Ordnance Dept , Ordnance Dept, Army , United States: A Course in Exterior Ballistics: Ordnance Textbook book
5 IA University of California (1868-1952): Addresses delivered before the California teachers' association book
6 IA University of California School of Medicine, San Francisco. George Williams Hooper Foundation for Medical Research: Collected reprints (Volume 5) book
7 IA University of Cambridge: Mathematical problems (Volume 1) book
8 IA University of Cambridge: Mathematical problems (Volume 2) book
9 IA University of Kansas: The Kansas University Quarterly book
10 IA University of Pennsylvania , University of California (1868-1952 ), University of California, Berkeley , University of Michigan Digital Library Production Service: Publications in Mathematics book
11 IA University of Pennsylvania , University of California (1868-1952 ), University of California, Berkeley , University of Michigan Digital Library Production Service: Publications in Mathematics * book
12 IA University of Pennsylvania , University of California (1868-1952 ), University of California, Berkeley , University of Michigan Digital Library Production Service: Publications in Mathematics * * book
13 IA University of Pennsylvania , University of California (1868-1952 ), University of California, Berkeley , University of Michigan Digital Library Production Service: Publications in Mathematics * * * book
14 IA University of Pennsylvania , University of California (1868-1952 ), University of California, Berkeley , University of Michigan Digital Library Production Service: Publications in Mathematics * * * * book
15 IA University of Pennsylvania , University of California (1868-1952 ), University of California, Berkeley , University of Michigan Digital Library Production Service: Publications in Mathematics * * * * * book
16 IA University of Pennsylvania , University of California (1868-1952 ), University of California, Berkeley , University of Michigan Digital Library Production Service: Publications in Mathematics * * * * * * book
17 IA University of Pennsylvania , University of California (1868-1952 ), University of California, Berkeley , University of Michigan Digital Library Production Service: Publications in Mathematics * * * * * * * book
18 IA University of Pennsylvania , University of California (1868-1952 ), University of California, Berkeley , University of Michigan Digital Library Production Service: Publications in Mathematics * * * * * * * * book
19 IA University of Texas at Austin: Mathematics in the high school book
20 IA Unterrichts - Bernoulli, Christoph, 1782-1863: Ueber zweckgemässe Behandlung des mathematischen Elementar book
21 GDZ Unverzagt, Karl Wilhelm: Theorie der goniometrischen und der longimetrischen Quaternionen 326 1876 book
22 EEBO* Urquhart, Thomas, Sir, 1611-1660.: The most easy and exact manner of resolving all sorts of triangles ... most necessary for all such as would attaine to the exact knowledg [sic] of fortification, dyaling, navigation, surveying, architecture ... : lately invented and perfected ... and convincingly demonstrated / by T.U., student in the mathematick. paid subscription required, German NatL 127 1650 book
23 EEBO* Urquhart, Thomas, Sir, 1611-1660.: The trissotetras: or, a most exquisite table for resolving all manner of triangles, whether plaine or sphericall, rectangular or obliquangular, with greater facility, then ever hitherto hath been practised: most necessary for all such as would attaine to the exact knowledge of fortification, dyaling, navigation, surveying, architecture, the art of shadowing, taking of heights, and distances, the use of both the globes, perspective, the skill of making the maps, the theory of the planets, the calculating of their motions, and of all other astronomicall computations whatsoever. Now lately invented, and perfected, explained, commented on, and with all possible brevity, and perspicuity, in the hiddest, and most re-searched mysteries, from the very first grounds of the science it selfe, proved, and convincingly demonstrated. / By Sir Thomas Urquhart of Cromartie Knight. Published for the benefit of those that are mathematically affected. paid subscription required, German NatL 128 1645 book
24 IA Usherwood, Thomas Scriven: A first book of practical mathematics book

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