AG Information und Komplexität

R. Ahlswede, B. Balkenhol, U. Tamm

Workshop zur Datenkompression

1. - 2. Nobember 1999 in U5-135

Montag 1. November 1999
14.00 V. Balakirski (St. Petersburg/Eindhoven)
``Arithmetic coding procedures oriented to data transmission in a real time mode''

15.00 Yu. Shtarkov (Moskau)
``About non-prefix context tree source models''

16.00 B. Balkenhol (Bielefeld)
``One attempt of a compression algorithm using the BWT''

Dienstag 2. November 1999

10.00 T. Tjalkens (Eindhoven)
``On the complexity of minimum redundancy codes''

11.00 L. Bäumer (Bielefeld)
``Identification and prediction theory''

13.00 P. Volf (Eindhoven)
``Maximizing, weighting, and switching''

14.00 J. Aberg (Lund)
``An information-theoretical view on the PPM algorithm''

Christian Deppe
Thu Oct 28 13:16:23 CEST 1999