Preprint-Server of the SFB 343

"Diskrete Strukturen in der Mathematik"

Directions for use

1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001


Preprintreihe 1992


92-001   William Crawley-Boevey, Dieter Happel, Claus Michael Ringel
         A bypass of an arrow is sectional
         Dieter Happel, Claus Michael Ringel
         Directing projective modules

92-002   Henning Krause
         The kernel of an irreducible map

92-003   Emil Molnar, Istvan Prok
         Classification of solid transitive simplex tilings
	 in simply connected 3-spaces

92-004   Dionyssios Lappas
         Metric covering spaces and applications

92-005   Daniel Huson
         The generation and classification of tile-$k$-transitive
         tilings of the euclidean plane, the sphere
         and the hyperbolic plane

92-006   Peter Greenberg                       
         Primer on CPP Geometry

92-007   Peter Greenberg                       
         Piecewise Projective and Piecewise Steinberg
         Homomorphisms, and a Formula in H1

92-008   Friedrich Götze
         Rate of convergence of simulated annealing processes

92-009   Ruben A. Hidalgo
         - Homology coverings of Riemann surfaces
         - Kleinian groups with common  commutator subgroup

92-010   Roland Schwänzl, Rainer M. Vogt 
         Homotopy homomorphisms versus the Hammock localization

92-011   Reinhard Diestel, Heinz A. Jung, R.G. Möller
         Homotopy homomorphismus versus the Hammock localization

92-012   Rudolf Ahlswede, Levon H. Kachatrian
         Sharp bounds for cloud-antichains of length two

92-013   Randy McCarthy
         The cyclic homology of an exact category

92-014   Rudolf Ahlswede, Ning Cai
         Rank formulas for certain products of matrices

92-015   Do Ngoc Diep
         - Construction and reduction of the K-Theory invariant
           index $C^*(G)$ of a group $C^*$-Algebras
         - Quantification multidimensionelle  et les representations
	   de la serie principale degeneree
         - On the Langlands type discrete groups .III
         - Discrete series for loop groups .I

92-016   Rudolf Ahlswede
         Constant list sizes suffice

92-017   David J. Woodcock
         A vanishing theorem for Schur modules

92-018   Luise Unger
         Links of dimension one in the simplicial complex
         of tilting modules

92-019   Steffen König
         Borel subalgebras of Schur algebras

92-020   Lutz Hille
         Consistent algebras and special tilting sequences

92-021   Yuri Drozd, Boris Guzner, Sergey Ovsienko
         Weight modules over generalized Weyl algebras

92-022   Wolfgang Lempken, Christopher Parker, Peter Rowley
         The structure of $(S_3,S_6)$-amalgams I

92-023   Frank Esselmann
         Über die maximale Dimension von Lorentz-Gittern 
         mit coendlicher Spiegelungsgruppe

92-024   Heinz Helling                         
         The Pfaff-Saalschütz Identity in Hyperbolic Geometry

92-025   Gunter Teumer
         On singular uniform s - intersecting families

92-026   Heinz Helling, Ann Chi Kim, Jens L. Mennicke
         Some Honey-combs in Hyperbolic 3-space

92-027   Hans Jürgen Prömel, Bernd Voigt
         Canonizing Ramsey Theory

92-028   Ludwig Elsner, Chunyang He, Volker Mehrmann
         Minimization of the norm, the norm of the inverse
         and the condition number of a matrix by completion
         Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications 2, no. 2,
         155-171 (1995)
92-029   Claus Michael Ringel
         Hall algebras revisited

92-030   Rudolf Scharlau, Claudia Walhorn
         Integral lattices and hyperbolic reflection groups

92-031   Rudolf Ahlswede, Ning Cai, Zhen Zhang
         Higher level extremal problems

92-032   Angelika Bunse-Gerstner, Chunyang He
         A Sturm Sequence of Polynomials for Unitary 
         Hessenberg Matrices
         SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications 16, 
         no. 4, 1043-1055 (1995)

92-033   Helmut Behr
         Arithmetic groups over function fields:
         A complete characterization of finitely generated
         and finitely presented arithmetic subgroups of 
         reductive algebraic groups

92-034   Rudolf Ahlswede, Ning Cai
         On extremal set partitions in Cartesian product spaces

92-035   Jurgen Hurrelbrink
         Circulant graphs and 4-ranks of ideal class groups

92-036   Sergey L. Bezrukov, Hans-Dietrich O.F. Gronau
         A Kruskal-Katona Type Theorem

92-037   Wolfgang Lempken, Christopher Parker, Peter Rowley
         The structure of $(S_3, S_6)$ - amalgams II

92-038   Reinhard Diestel                               
         The classification of finitely spreading graphs

92-039   Rudolf Scharlau
         Unimodular lattices over real quadratic fields

92-040   Alexander Sergejevich Mishchenko
         On higher signature of non-positively curved manifolds

92-041   Jochen Bohne
         Eine kombinatorische Analyse zonotopaler Raumaufteilungen

92-042   Sergj I. Adian, Jens Mennicke
         On bounded generation of $SL_n(Z)$

92-043   Vidmantas Bentkus, Friedrich Götze, Ricardas Zitikis
         Asymptotic expansions in the integral and local limit 
         theorems in Banach spaces with applications
         to $\omega$-statistics

92-044   Lothar Heinrich
         Normal approximation for some mean-value estimates 
         of absolutely regular tessellations

92-045   Friedrich Götze, Christian Hipp
         On the validity of Edgeworth-expansions

92-046   Rajendra Bhatia
         Matrix Factorisations and their Perturbations
         Linear Algebra Appl. 197/198, 245-276 (1994)

92-047   Gunnar Brinkmann
         Generating cubic graphs faster than isomorphism checking

92-048   Vitaly Bergelson, Walter Deuber, Neil Hindman, Hanno Lefmann
         Rado's Theorem for Commutative Rings

92-049   Marcel Arnold Hagelberg
         Generalized Triangle Groups and 3-dimensional Orbifolds

92-050   Peter Greenberg
         Les espaces de bracelets, les complexes de Stasheff
         et le groupe de Thompson

92-051   Lothar Heinrich
         Mixing Properties of Gibbsian Point Processes and
         Asymptotic Normality of Takacs-Fiksel Estimates

92-052   Peter Abramenko
         Finiteness properties of Chevalley groups
         over ${\Bbb F}_q[t]$

92-053   Chuang-Chun Liu, Prakash Narayan
         Order Estimation and Sequential Universal
         Data Compression of a Hidden Markov Source
         via the Method of Mixtures

92-054   Noga Alon, Richard A. Duke, Hanno Lefmann, 
         Vojtech Rödl, Raphy Yuster
         The Algorithmic Aspects of the Regularity Lemma
         (Extended Abstract)

92-055   Heiko Frinks
         On the measure theoretic entropy of Markov operators

92-056   John Klein
         On the Homotopy embeddability of complexes in
         Euclidean Space: The connolly-Williams Embedding Theorem

92-057   Ulrike Flaschka
         Eine Variante des Lanczos-Algorithmus für
         symmetrische Matrizen mit Blockstruktur

92-058   Peter Abramenko
         Some spherical subcomplexes of spherical buildings I

92-059   Teimuraz Pirashvili
         Spectral sequence for maclane homology

92-060   S. Betley, T. Pirashvili
         Stable K-theory as a derived functor

92-061   Christopher Parker
         On the Non-Existence of a class of rank 3 amalgams

92-062   Vesselin Drensky
         Endomorphisms and Automorphisms of Relatively Free Algebras

92-063   Vesselin Drensky
         New Bounds in the Shirshov Theorem on Finitely
         Generated Pi-Algebras

92-064   Vesselin Drensky
         Weak Polynominal Identities for the Matrix Algebras

92-065   Wolf-Jürgen Beyn
         Numerical analysis of homoclinic orbits analysis emanating
         from a Takens-Bogdanov point
         IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis 14, 381-410, (1994) 

92-066   Rudolf Ahlswede
         On multi-user write-efficient memories

92-067   Henning Krause
         On the number of almost split sequences with indemcomposable
         middle term

92-068   Christoph Thiele
         The Topological Structure of Auslander Reiten quivers of
         special string algebras

92-069   Ernst Dieterich
         Lattice  categories over Curve singularities
         with large conductor

92-070   David J. Woodcock
         Borel Schur Algebras

92-071   O.V. Olshevska, Boris A. Zalesskii
         Estimations of minimum of quadratic risk for pattern
         recognition and regression problems

92-072   Ruben A. Hildalgo
         Bounds for Conformal automorphisms of Riemann surfaces
         with the Conditions (A)

92-073   Peter Major
         Asymptotic Distributions for Weighted U-Statistics

92-074   Janos Körner
         Waterfalls, antichains and capacities of digraphs

92-075   V. Bentkus, F. Götze, R. Zitikis
         Lower estimates of the convergence rate for U-statistics

92-076   G. Lodder
         Dihedral Homology and Homotopy Fixed Point Sets

92-077   R. S. Simon
         The Combinatorial Properties of "Cleanness"

92-078   J. Morita
         Meta abelianizations of $SL(2, Z[\frac{1}{2}])$ and
         Dennis-Stein symbols in $K_2(2, Z[\frac{1}{p}])$

92-079   M. Kolster
         Remarks on \`etale K-theory and Leopoldt`s Conjecture

92-080   P. Greenberg  
         Triangulating groups - two examples

92-081   W. Wenzel  
         Pfaffian Forms and $\Delta$- Matroids with Coefficients

92-082   Reinhard Diestel, Imre Leader                  
         Domination Games on Infinite Graphs

92-083   A. Robinson  
         The Space of Fully-- Grown Trees

92-084   G.S. Ammar, W.B. Gragg  
         Schur Flows for orthogonal Hessenberg Matrices
         Hamiltonian and gradient flows, algorithms and control,27-34,
         Fields Inst. Commun., 3, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence(1994) 

92-085   Andrei Rapinchuk  
         New abstract conditions for the congruence subgroup property

92-086   Claus Michael Ringel  
         The spectral radius of the Coxeter transformations 
         for a generalized Cartan matrix

92-087   P. Dräxler, Yu.A. Drozd, N.S. Golovachtchuk, 
         S.A. Ovsienko, M.M. Zeldych  
         Towards the classification of sincere weakly positive unit forms

92-088   Xiao Jie  
         Finite dimensional represantations of $U_t(sl(2))$
         at roots of unit

92-089   Luise Unger  
         On the shellability of the simplicial complex of tilting modules

92-090   Peter Dräxler, Rainer Nörenberg  
         Thin start modules and representation type

Ergänzungsreihe 1992


E92-001  Rudolf Scharlau, Claudia Walhorn  
         Tables of hyperbolic reflection groups

E92-002  Herbert Abels  
         Sommerschule über die Theorie der Gebäude

E92-003  Walter A. Deuber  
         "`Paradoxe"' \  Zerlegung Euklidischer Räume

E92-004  Volker Mehrmann  
         Workshop on Matrix Theory

E92-005  Rudolf Ahlswede  
         On set coverings in Cartesian product spaces

E92-006  Peter Eichelsbacher  
         Varadhams Prinzip großer Abweichungen 
         für spezielle Statistikklassen

E92-007  Andreas Jäschke  
         Über Zusammenhang und Krümmung
         homogener Riemannscher Zerlegungen

E92-008  F. Götze  
         Limit Theorems and Nonparametric Statistics

E92-009  Peter Dräxler  
         Computational Aspects in the representation theory 
         of finite dimensional algebras

Copyright © Lars Böker, Dirk Umbach . Universität Bielefeld, Fakultät für Mathematik, SFB 343. Bei Problemen bitte email an preprint@Mathematik.Uni-Bielefeld.DE. Letzte Änderung: 25.01.2002