Preprint-Server of the SFB 343

"Diskrete Strukturen in der Mathematik"

Directions for use

1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001


Preprintreihe 1995


95-001   Rudolf Ahlswede, Te Sun Han, Kingo Kobayashi
         Universal Coding of Integers and Unbounded Search Trees
         To appear in: IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory

95-002   Reinhard Nabben                                
         A Characterization of M-matrices

95-003   Matthias Löwe                                 
         On a Randomized Version of Parallel Local Search
         Stochastic models 12 (1996), 389-405

95-004   L. Elsner, S. Friedland                        
         Norm Conditions for Convergence of Infinite Products
         Linear Algebra and its Applications 250 (1997), 133-142


95-005   Judith Plümer                                 
         Resultants and the Continuity of the Join
         Pairing on Chow Varieties

95-006   D. A. Derevnin
         On Distinguishing of Cyclic Coverings of the
         Whitehead Link

95-007   Rudolf Ahlswede, Enhui Yang, Zhen Zhang
         Identification via Compressed Data

95-008   Nikolai Vavilov                                
         Geometry of 1-Tori in GL_n

95-009   S. Albeverio, Zhi-Ming Ma, Michael Röckner   
         Partitions of Unity in Sobolev Spaces over
         Infinite Dimensional State Spaces
         J. Funct. Anal. 143, 247-268 (1997)

95-010   Alexander Mednykh, Andrei Vesnin               
         Hyperbolic 3-Manifolds as 2-Fold Coverings
         According to Montesinos

95-011   Antoine Deza, Michel Deza                      
         The Combinatorial Structure of Small Cut and
         Metric Polytopes

95-012   W.-J. Beyn, J.-M. Kleinkauf                    
         The Numerical Computation of Homoclinic Orbits for Maps
         SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 34, no. 3,
         1207-1236 (1997) 

95-013   Rudolf Ahlswede, Kingo Kobayashi
         A Simple Proof of the Hook Formula by a Staircase Identity

95-014   Rudolf Scharlau, Britta Blaschke               
         Reflective Integral Lattices

95-015   Henning Krause                                 
         The Spectrum of a Locally Coherent Category
         To appear in: J. Pure Appl. Algebra

95-016   Peter Dräxler, Christof Geiß                 
         On the Tameness of Certain 2-Point Algebras
         Proc. 7th Int. Conf. on Representations of Algebras,
         CMS Conf. Proc. 19 (1996), 189-199

95-017   Luise Unger
         The Simplicial Complex of Tilting Modules over Quiver Algebras
         Proc. London Math. Soc. 73 (1996), 27-46

95-018   Liangang Peng, Jie Xiao                        
         Root Categories and Simple Lie Algebras

95-019   Henning Krause                                 
         Functors on Locally Finitely Presented Additive Categories
         To appear in: Coll. Math.

95-020   Pu Zhang                                       
         Quasi-Hereditary Algebras and Tilting Modules
         Comm. Algebra 24 (1996), no. 12, 3707--3717

95-021   Pu Zhang                                       
         O Algebras with Three Simple Modules
         To appear in: J. Pure Appl. Algebra

95-022   Liangang Peng, Jie Xiao                        
         A Realization of Affine Lie Algebras of Type
         tilde A_n-1 via the Derived Categories of Cyclic Quivers
         Representation theory of algebras (Cocoyoc, 1994), 
         539--554, CMS Conf. Proc., 18, Amer. Math. Soc.,
         Providence, RI, 1996

         Henning Krause
95-023   I. Elementary Duality and Local Duality for Modules 
95-023   II. The Endocategory of a Module   
          Representation theory of algebras, CMS Conf. Poc. 18,
          (1996) 419-432

95-024   P. Dräxler, J. A. de la Peña                      
         On the Existence of Postprojective Components in
         the Auslander-Reiten Quiver of an Algebra
         To appear in: Tsukuba Journal of Mathematics

95-025   C. Batut, H.-G. Quebbemann, R. Scharlau             
         Computations of Cyclotomic Lattices

95-026   Zhongxiao Jia                                       
         Arnoldi Type Algorithms for Large Unsymmetric
         Multiple Eigenvalue Problems

95-027   Reinhard Nabben                                     
         Z-Matrices and Inverse Z-Matrices
         Linear Algebra Appl. 256, 31-48 (1997) 

95-028   Peter Eichelsbacher                                 
         Large Deviations for Products of Empirical
         Probability Measures in the tau-Topologie
         To appear in: J. Theor. Prob.

95-029   Henning Krause                                      
         Constructing Large Modules over Artin Algebras
         To appear in: J. Algebra

95-030   Eugene Plotkin, Andrei Semenov, Nikolai Vavilov     
         Visual Basic Representations: An Atlas

95-031   Rainer Nörenberg, Andrzej Skowronski               
         Tame Minimal Non-Polynomial Growth Strongly
         Simply Connected Algebras
         Proc. 7th Int. Conf. Representations of Algebras,
         CMS Conf. Proc. 18 (1996), 519-530

95-032   Matthias Pott                                       
         On the Convergence of Asynchronous Iteration
         Methods for Nonlinear Paracontractions and
         Consistent Linear Systems
         to appear in Linear Algebra Appl. 

95-033   Matthias Pott                                       
         On Asynchronous Newton-Iterative Methods

95-034   Matthias Pott                                       
         On Asynchronous Newton-Schulz Type Methods

95-035   Rudolf Ahlswede, Ning Cai
         Information and Control: Matching Channels
         IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory 43, No. 1, 48-70 (1997)

95-036   Rudolf Ahlswede, Levon H. Khachatrian
         Sets of Integers and Quasi-Integers with
         Pairwise Common Divisor
         Acta Arithmetica, LXXIV, 2, 141-153, 1996

95-037   Roger Brussee                                       
         Some C^\infty-Properties of Kähler Surfaces 

95-038   Gennady A. Noskov                                   
         Biocombings of Triangle Buildings

95-039   Wilhelm Stannat                                     
         First Order Perturbations of Dirichlet Operators:
         Existence and Uniqueness
         J. Funct. Anal., Vol. 141 No. 1, pp. 216-248, 1996

95-040   V. I. Bogachev, N. Krylov, M. Röckner             
         Regularity of Invariant Measures: The Case of
         non-constant Diffusion Part
         J. Funct. Anal. 138, 223-242 (1996)

95-041   S. Albeverio, Y. G. Kondratiev, M. Röckner  
         Ergodicity of L^2-Semigroups and Extremality
         of Gibbs States
         J. Funct. Anal. 144, 394-423 (1997) 

95-042   Vyacheslav Yanchevskii, Gennady Margolin            
         Brauer Groups of Local Elliptic and Hyperelliptic Curves
         and Central Division Algebras over their Function Fields
         Algebra i Analiz 7 (1995), no. 6, 227-249

95-043   V. Bentkus, F. Götze, A. Tikhomirov                
         Berry-Esseen Bounds for Statistics of Weakly
         Dependent Samples
         To appear in: Bernoulli

95-044   Peter J. Bickel, Jian-Jian Ren                      
         The m out of n Bootstrap and Goodness of Fit
         Tests with Doubly Censored Data
         Robust statistics, data analysis and computer intensive
         methods (H. Rieder, ed), Springer Lecture Notes in
         Statistics, 1995

95-045   Rudolf Ahlswede, Ning Cai
         Shadows and Isoperimetry under the
         Sequence--Subsequence Relation
         To appear in: Combinatorica

95-046   Greg Arone, Marja Kankaanrinta                      
         The Goodwillie Tower of the Identity is a Logarithm

95-047   Bernhard Mühlherr, Mark Ronan                     
         Local to Global Structure in Twin Buildings
         Inv. math. 122 (1995), 71-81

95-048   T. J. Lyons, M. Röckner, T. S. Zhang               
         Martingale Decomposition of Dirichlet Processes
         on the Banach Space C_0 [0, 1]
         Stoch. Proc. Appl. 64, 31-38 (1996)

95-049   Shmuel Friedland, Reinhard Nabben                   
         On the Second Real Eigenvalue of Nonnegative and Z-Matrices
         Lin. Alg. Appl. 255, 303-313 (1997) 

95-050   Vladimir Nesterov                                   
         Pairs of Short Root Subgroups in a Chevalley Group

95-051   V. B. Balakirsky                                    
         Hashing of Data Bases Based on Indirect
         Observations of Hamming Distances
         IEEE Trans.Inform.Theory, vol.42, pp.664-671, Mar. 1996

95-052   Andreas Eberle                                      
         Weak Sobolev Spaces and Markov Uniqueness of Operators
         C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, t. 320, Série I, 1249-1254  (1995)

95-053   J. Klein, R. Schwänzl, R. M. Vogt                  
         Co-Multiplication and Suspension
	 To appear in: Topology and its Applications

95-054   Gopal Prasad, Andrei S. Rapinchuk                   
         Computation of the Metaplectic Kernel
         To appear in: Publ. Math. IHES 84 (1996)

95-055   A. Yu. Zaitsev                                      
         Multidimensional Version of the Results of Komlós,
         Major and Tusnády for Vectors with Finite Exponential Moments 
         Revision: July 1995
         To appear in: Doklady RAN

95-056   Boris Apanasov                                      
         Varieties of Discrete Representations of Hyperbolic 3-Lattices

95-057   Peter Abramenko
         Twin Buildings, Spherical Buildings and
         Finiteness Properties of Almost Simple
         Fq - Groups over Fq[t]

95-058   Gerhard Röhrle                                     
         Maximal Parabolic Subgroups in Classical 
         Groups are of Modality Zero
         Geom. Dedicata. 66 (1997), 51 - 64

95-059   Rudolf Ahlswede, Levon H. Khachatrian
         Sets of Integers with Pairwise Common Divisor
         and a Factor from a Specified Set of Primes
         Acta Arithmetica, LXV, 3, 259-276, 1996

95-060   Uwe Einmahl, David M. Mason                         
         Gaussian Approximation of Local Empirical
         Processes Indexed by Functions
         To appear in: PTRF

95-061   Uwe Einmahl, David M. Mason                         
         Some Universal Results on the Behavior of
         Increments of Partial Sums
         Ann. Probab. 24 (1996), no. 3, 1388-1407

95-062   Claus Michael Ringel                                
         Green's Theorem on Hall Algebras
         CMS Conf. Proc. 19. Providence (1996), 185-245

         Herbert Abels, Andreas Tiemeyer
95-063   I. Compactness Properties of Locally Compact Groups

         Andreas Tiemeyer
95-063   II. A Local-Global Principle for Finiteness 
         Properties of $S$-Arithmetic Groups over Number Fields

95-064   I. Ágoston, E. Lukács, C. M. Ringel               
         Frobenius Functions on Translation Quivers
         In: Representation Theory of Algebras, 
         CMS Conf. Proc. 18, Providence (1996), 17-37

95-065   Lawrence D. Brown, J. T. Gene Hwang, Axel Munk      
         An Unbiased Test for the Bioequivalence Problem

95-066   Rudolf Ahlswede, Levon H. Khachatrian
         The Complete Intersection Theorem for Systems  of Finite Sets
         To appear in: European J. Combin.

         Claus Michael Ringel                             
95-067   I. Cones
         Representation Theory of Algebras. 
         CMS Conference Proc. 18. Providence (1996), 583-586

95-067   II. The Liu-Schulz Example
         Representation Theory of Algebras. 
         CMS Conference Proc. 18. Providence (1996), 587-600    

95-068   V. Bentkus, M. Bloznelis, F. Götze                 
         A Berry--Esseen Bound for -->--M-Estimators
          To appear in: Scandinavian J. of Statistics

95-069   Christof Geiss                                      
         Deformations of Bimodule Problems
         Fund. Math. 150 (1996), 255-264

95-070   Jie Xiao                                            
         Hall Algebra in a Root Category

95-071   Jie Xiao                                            
         Drinfeld Double and Green-Ringel 
         Theory of Hall Algebras
         to appear in: Journal of Algebra

95-072   Pu Zhang                                            
         Triangular Decomposition of the 
         Composition Algebra of the Kronecker Algebra
         J. Algebra 184 (1996), no. 1, 159--174

95-073   A. S. Merkurjev                                     
         On the Norm Residue Homomorphism for Fields
         Mathematics in St. Petersburg, 49-71

95-074   Martin Kochol                                       
         Quasi Polymatroidal Flow Networks

95-075   Victor Pidstrigach, Andrei Tyurin                   
         Localisation of the Donaldson's 
         Invariants along Seiberg-Witten Classes

95-076   Rudolf Ahlswede, Noga Alon, Peter L. Erdös,
         Miklos Ruszinko, Laszlo A. Szekely Intersecting Systems
         To appear in: Combin. Probab. Comput.

95-077   Zhongxiao Jia, Ludwig Elsner                        
         Improving Eigenvectors in Arnoldi's Method

95-078   Jakob Spies                                         
	 Positive Characteristic Classes
	 of Vector Sheaves on Arithmetic Varieties

95-079   John R. Klein                                       
         On the Derivative of the Stable Homotopy of Mapping Spaces

95-080   M. Röckner, T. S. Zhang                            
         Finite Dimensional Approximation of Diffusion
         Processes on Infinite Dimensional Spaces
         Stochastics and Stochastic Reports 57, 37-55 (1996)

95-081   Wilhelm Stannat                                     
         Dirichlet Forms and Markov Processes: A Generalized
         Framework Including both Elliptic and Parabolic Cases
         Potential Analysis, Vol. 8, No. 1, 1998. 

95-082   Uwe Einmahl, David M. Mason                         
         On the Smallest Maximal Increment of Partial
         Sums of i.i.d. Random Variables

95-083   Claus Michael Ringel                                
	 Quantum Serre Relations 
         To appear in: Proc. Reims Conference.
         Colloq. et Sem. Soc. Math. France

95-084   Andrei Rapinchuk, Alexander Potapchik               
	 Normal subgroups of SL_{1,D} and the classification
	 of finite simple groups
         To appear in: Proc. Indian Academy Science (1996)

95-085   L. Elsner                                           
	 Bounds for Determinants of Perturbed M-Matrices
         Linear Algebra Appl. 257, 283-288 (1997)

95-086   Walter A. Deuber, Xuding Zhu                        
         The Chromatic Numbers of Distance Graphs

95-087   A. V. Kostochka, E. Sopena, X. Zhu                  
         Acyclic and Oriented Chromatic Numbers of Graphs

95-088   Detlev W. Hoffmann                                  
         On the Dimensions of Anisotropic Quadratic 
         Forms with Trivial Invariants

95-089   Harry Reimann                                       
         The Semi-Simple Zeta Function of Shimura
         Varieties Associated to Quaternion Algebras
         Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1657, Springer Verlag, 1997         

95-090   F. Götze, Yu. V. Prohorov, V. V. Ulyanov           
         A Stochastic Analogue of the Vinogradov Mean
         Value Theorem
         In: Prob. Theory and Math. Stat. (Tokyo, 1995), 
         World Scientific, London-Singapore, 1996.

95-091   V. Bentkus, F. Götze                               
         Optimal Rates of Convergence in Functional 
         Limit Theorems for Quadratic Forms

95-092   Henk D. L. Hollmann, Peter Vanroose                 
         Entropy Reduction, Ordering in Sequence 
         Spaces, and Semigroups of Non-Negative Matrices
         Abelian Groups and Modules (ed. A. Faccini and
         C. Menini), Kluwer (1995), 419-439

95-093   V. Bogachev, P. Lescot, M. Röckner 
         The Martingale Problem for Pseudo-Differential
         Operators on Infinite-Dimensional Spaces
         Nagoya Math. Journal, 153:101-118, 1999

95-094   Thomas Müller                                      
	 Subgroup Growth of Free Products
         Inventiones mathematicae, 126 (1996), 111-131

95-095   Thomas Müller                                      
	 Finite Group Actions and Asymptotic 
         Expansion of e^P(z)

95-096   Peter L. Erdös                                     
	 Splitting Property in Infinite Posets
         To appear in: Discrete Math.

95-097   Y.-K. Zou, W.-J. Beyn                               
	 Invariant Manifolds for Non-autonomous Systems
	 with Application to One-step Methods
         To appear in: J. of Dynamics and Diff. Equ.

95-098   Rudolf Ahlswede, Vladimir B. Balakirsky
	 Identification under Random Processes
         Problemy Peredachi Informatsii vol.32, pp.144-160, 
         Jan.-Mar. 1996 (in Russian)

95-099   Evarist Gine, Friedrich Götze
	 On the Domain of Attraction to the Normal Law
	 and Convergence of Selfnormalized Sums

95-100   V. B. Balakirsky                                    
         A Converse Coding Theorem for Mismatched Decoding
         at the Output of Binary-Input Memoryless Channels
         IEEE Trans.Inform.Theory, vol.41, pp.1889-1902, Nov. 1995

95-101   Rudolf Ahlswede, I. Csiszar
	 Common Randomness in Information Theory and
	 Cryptography. Part 2: CR Capacity
         To appear in: IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory

95-102   Rudolf Ahlswede, Levon H. Khachatrian
         The Complete Nontrivial-Intersection Theorem
         for Systems of Finite Sets
         J. Combin. Theory Ser. A, 121-138,1995

95-103   Elena P. Krugova                                    
         On Shifts of Convex Measures

95-104   Vincent Franjou, Teimuraz Pirashvili                
         On Maclane Cohomology for the Ring of Integers
         To appear in: Topology

95-105   G. Banaszak, W. Gajda, B. Kahn, P. Krasón          
         The Reduction Map for the Étale K-Theory of a Curve

95-106   Rudolf Ahlswede, Ning Cai
         Correlated Sources Help the Transmission over AVC
         To appear in: IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory

95-107   J.-F. Boutot, Th. Zink                              
         The p-adic Uniformization of Shimura Curves

95-108   Viatcheslav Grishukhin                              
         Regular Two-Graphs from the Even 
         Unimodular Lattice E_8 0+ E_8

95-109   David S. Gunderson, Vojtech Rödl                   
	 Extremal Problems for Affine Cubes of Integers

95-110   David S. Gunderson, Vojtech Rödl 
	 An Alternate Proof of Szemeredi's Cube Lemma
	 Using Extremal Hypergraphs

95-111   Hein Putter, Willem R. van Zwet                     
         Empirical Edgeworth Expansions for Symmetric Statistics
         To appear in: Ann. Stat. (1997)

95-112   Fuquan Fang                                         
         Topological Classification of Complete Intersections 

95-113   Fuquan Fang                                         
         Topology of Dupin Hypersurfaces with Six Distinct
	 Principal Curvatures 

95-114   R. Ahlswede, L. H. Khachatrian                         
         Counterexample to the Frankl/Pach Conjecture for
         Uniform, Dense Families
         To appear in: Combinatorica

95-115   Peter Eichelsbacher, Matthias Löwe
         Large Deviations for Partial Sums U-Processes

95-116   Juergen Hurrelbrink, Ulf Rehmann                    
         Splitting Patterns and Trace Forms
         Math. Nachr. 176 (1995), 111-127 

95-117   Detlev W. Hoffmann                                  
         Twisted Pfister Forms
         Doc. Math. J. DMV 1 (1996), 67-102

95-118   F. Götze, B. A. Zalesky                            
         Nonparametric Wavelet Based Minimax Estimation
	 in Non Gaussian Models
         To appear in: Mathem. methods of statistics

95-119   Hideto Asashiba                                     
         A Covering Technique for Derived Equivalences
         To appear in: J. Algebra

95-120   Viktor Bekkert                                      
         Schurian Vector Space Categories of Polynomial Growth

95-121   Henning Krause                                      
         Generic Modules over Artin Algebras
         To appear in: Proc. London Math. Soc.


E95-001  Frank Bourseau                                      
         Transversale Unterkomplexe in Gebäuden

E95-002  Peter Eichelsbacher, Matthias Löwe                 
         Workshop on Discrete Stochastic Models

E95-003  R. Ahlswede, J. Körner
         On Common Information and Related
         Characteristics of Correlated Information Sources

E95-004  R. Ahlswede, N. Cai, N. Danh, E. Daykin,
         L.H. Khachatrian, T.D. Thu 
         Report on Work in Progress in Combinatorial
         Extremal Theory: Schadows, AZ-Identities, Matching

E95-005  Britta Habdank-Eichelsbacher                        
         Unimodulare Gitter über Reell-Quadratischen Zahlkörpern 

E95-006  Britta Schanz, Swen Osterkamp                       
         Strategien für Systeme von Zufällig
         Entscheidenden Beratern und die Kompetenz von "3-Hirn"

E95-007  Summer School "Representation Theory",
         Pappenheim, 1994
         Derived Equivalences

E95-008  Bernd Roggon                                        
         Selfinjective and Iterated Tilted Algebras of
         Type E_6 , E_7 , E_8

E95-009  Bernhard Balkenhol                                  
         Datenkompression mit Deterministischen Experten
         und Systeme Teilweise Unabhängiger Zufallsvariablen

E95-010  J.A. de la Pena
         Tame Algebras: Some Fundamental Notions

Copyright © Lars Böker, Dirk Umbach . Universität Bielefeld, Fakultät für Mathematik, SFB 343. Bei Problemen bitte email an preprint@Mathematik.Uni-Bielefeld.DE. Letzte Änderung: 25.01.2002