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Project C7: Automorphic representations and their local factors


The fine geometric expansion of the Arthur-Selberg trace formula, which is a prerequisite for the global Jacquet-Langlands correspondence, shall be reformulated in a way that is valid in positive characteristic too. We will study smooth representations of $GL_n(F)$, with $F$ a $p$-adic field, on $F_p$-vector spaces. We aim to generalise a representation theoretic construction which is available for $n=2$ to arbitrary $n$. Periods of cuspidal automorphic representations of $GL_2$ and its inner forms at places of "split multiplicative type" shall be defined and their functorial properties and relations to $p$-adic $L$-functions and periods of $p$-adic Galois representations shall be studied.

Recent Preprints:

17006 Henri Johnston, Andreas Nickel PDF

On the $p$-adic Stark conjecture at $s=1$ and applications

Project: C7


On the $p$-adic Stark conjecture at $s=1$ and applications

Authors: Henri Johnston, Andreas Nickel Projects: C7
Submission Date: 2017-03-22 Submitter: Michael Spieß
Download: PDF Link: 17006

17001 Nils Ellerbrock, Andreas Nickel PDF

On Formal Groups and Tate Cohomology in Local Fields

Project: C7


On Formal Groups and Tate Cohomology in Local Fields

Authors: Nils Ellerbrock, Andreas Nickel Projects: C7
Submission Date: 2017-01-04 Submitter: Michael Spieß
Download: PDF Link: 17001

15041 Henri Johnston, Andreas Nickel PDF

On the non-abelian Brumer–Stark conjecture

Project: C7


On the non-abelian Brumer–Stark conjecture

Authors: Henri Johnston, Andreas Nickel Projects: C7
Submission Date: 2015-09-03 Submitter: Michael Spieß
Download: PDF Link: 15041

15026 Felix Bergunde, Lennart Gehrmann PDF

On the order of vanishing of Stickelberger elements of Hilbert modular forms

Project: C7


On the order of vanishing of Stickelberger elements of Hilbert modular forms

Authors: Felix Bergunde, Lennart Gehrmann Projects: C7
Submission Date: 2015-07-03 Submitter: Andreas Nickel
Download: PDF Link: 15026

14046 Henri Johnston, Andreas Nickel PDF

Hybrid Iwasawa algebras and the equivariant Iwasawa main conjecture

Project: C7


Hybrid Iwasawa algebras and the equivariant Iwasawa main conjecture

Authors: Henri Johnston, Andreas Nickel Projects: C7
Submission Date: 2014-09-04 Submitter: Thomas Zink
Download: PDF Link: 14046

13002 Werner Hoffmann PDF

Induced conjugacy classes, prehomogeneous varieties, and canonical parabolic subgroups

Project: C7


Induced conjugacy classes, prehomogeneous varieties, and canonical parabolic subgroups

Authors: Werner Hoffmann Projects: C7
Submission Date: 2013-01-04 Submitter: Christopher Voll
Download: PDF Link: 13002

13001 Werner Hoffmann, Satoshi Wakatsuki PDF

On the geometric side of the Arthur trace formula for the symplectic group of rank 2

Project: C7


On the geometric side of the Arthur trace formula for the symplectic group of rank 2

Authors: Werner Hoffmann, Satoshi Wakatsuki Projects: C7
Submission Date: 2013-01-04 Submitter: Christopher Voll
Download: PDF Link: 13001

12126 Henri Johnston, Andreas Nickel PDF

On the equivariant Tamagawa number conjecture for Tate motives and unconditional annihilation results

Project: C7


On the equivariant Tamagawa number conjecture for Tate motives and unconditional annihilation results

Authors: Henri Johnston, Andreas Nickel Projects: C7
Submission Date: 2012-11-19 Submitter: Thomas Zink
Download: PDF Link: 12126

12056 Werner Hoffmann PDF

Induced conjugacy classes, prehomogeneous varieties, and canonical parabolic subgroups

Project: C7


Induced conjugacy classes, prehomogeneous varieties, and canonical parabolic subgroups

Authors: Werner Hoffmann Projects: C7
Submission Date: 2012-06-19 Submitter: Thomas Zink
Download: PDF Link: 12056

12018 Michael Spieß PDF

Shintani cocycles and vanishing order of p-adic Hecke L-series at s = 0

Project: C7


Shintani cocycles and vanishing order of p-adic Hecke L-series at s = 0

Authors: Michael Spieß Projects: C7
Submission Date: 2012-03-28 Submitter: Thomas Zink
Download: PDF Link: 12018

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