Peter Dräxler's Publications and Preprints

Preprints and Papers in Preparation:

  1. (Dis)covering of IP networks.

  2. Flows in IP networks.
    In preparation.

Papers in Journals:

  1. Verallgemeinerte Fasersummen und Darstellungen geordneter Mengen.
    Bayreuther Mathematische Schriften 17 (1984), 1-170.

  2. Eine Bemerkung zur Eulercharakteristik von Algebren.
    Communications in Algebra 14 (1986), 707-716.

  3. U-Fasersummen in darstellungsendlichen Algebren.
    Journal of Algebra 113 (1988), 430-437.

  4. Über einen Zusammenhang zwischen darstellungsendlichen Algebren
    und geordneten Mengen.
    Manuscripta Mathematica 60 (1988), 349-377.

  5. U-Fasersummen in artinschen Ringen.
    Journal of Algebra 123 (1989), 496-499.

  6. Aufrichtige gerichtete Ausnahmealgebren.
    Bayreuther Mathematische Schriften 29 (1989), 2-191.

  7. Fasersummen über dünnen s-Startmoduln.
    Archiv der Mathematik 54 (1990), 252-257.

  8. Sur les algebres exceptionelles de Bongartz.
    Comptes Rendus de l'Academie des Sciences Paris 311 (1990), 495-498.

  9. On indecomposable modules over directed algebras.
    Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 112 (1991), 321-327.

  10. Auslander-Reiten quivers of algebras whose indecomposable modules are bricks.
    Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 101 (1991), 141-145.

  11. A proof of the generalized Nakayama conjecture for algebras with
    J^(2l+1)=0 and A/J^l representation finite.
    (with D. Happel)
    Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 78 (1992), 161-164.

  12. Completely separating algebras.
    Journal of Algebra 165 (1994), 550-565.

  13. On the density of fiber sum functors.
    Mathematische Zeitschrift 216 (1994), 645-656.

  14. Non-linear combinatorial vectorspace categories.
    Communications in Algebra 22 (1994), 5803-5815.

  15. Towards the classification of sincere weakly positive unit forms.
    (with Yu.A. Drozd, N.S. Golovachtchuk, S.A. Ovsienko, M.M. Zeldych)
    European Journal of Combinatorics 16 (1995), 1-16.

  16. Generalized one-point extensions.
    Mathematische Annalen 304 (1996), 645-667.

  17. Coordinates of maximal positive roots of weakly nonnegative unit forms.
    (with N.S. Golovachtchuk, S.A. Ovsienko, J.A. de la Pena)
    Colloquium Mathematicum 78 (1998), 163-193.

  18. On the existence of postprojective components in the Auslander-Reiten quiver of an algebra.
    (with J.A. de la Pena)
    Tsukuba Journal of Mathematics 20 (1996), 457-469.

  19. Exact categories and vector space categories.
    (with I. Reiten, S.O. Smalo, O. Solberg; B. Keller)
    Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 351 (1999), 647-682.

  20. The homological quadratic form of a biextension algebra.
    (with J.A. de la Pena)
    Archiv der Mathematik 72 (1999), 9-21.

  21. Tame biextensions by indecomposable modules of derived regular length 2.
    (with A. Skowronski)
    Compositio Mathematica 117 (1999), 209-225.

  22. Derived Dynkin extensions.
    (with A. Krause)
    Communications in Algebra 27 (1999), 4337-4346.

  23. Tree algebras with non-negative Tits form.
    (with J.A. de la Pena)
    Communications in Algebra 28 (2000), 3993-4012.

  24. Representation-directed diamonds.
    LMS Journal of Computation and Mathematics 4 (2001), 13-20.

  25. Normal forms for representations of representation-finite algebras.
    Journal of Symbolic Computation 32 (2001), 491-497.

  26. Exact factors of exact categories.
    (with O. Solberg)
    Boletin Sociedad de Matematica Mexicana 7 (2001), 59-72.

  27. Riedtmann Classification.
    Encyclopaedia of Mathematics, Supplement III (2001), 332-333.

  28. An algorithm for finding all preprojective components of the Auslander-Reiten quiver.
    (with K. Kögerler)
    Mathematics of Computation 71 (2001), 743-759.

  29. Cleaving functors and controlled wild algebras.
    Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 169 (2002), 33-42.

  30. Domestic algebras with many non-periodic Auslander-Reiten components.
    (with G. Bobinski, A. Skowronski)
    Communications in Algebra 31 (2003), 1881-1926.

  31. Circular biextensions of derived tame hereditary algebras.
    Linear Algebra and its Applications 365 (2003), 159-167.

Papers in Conference Proceedings:

  1. Thin start modules and representation type.
    (with R. Nörenberg)
    Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Representations of Algebras,
    CMS Conference Proceedings 14 (1993), 149-163.

  2. Computational aspects in the representation theory of finite dimensional algebras.
    In: Computational Alegbra, edited by K. G. Fischer et al.,
    Pure and Applied Mathematics (Marcel Dekker) 151 (1994), 79-97.

  3. On the tameness of certain 2-point algebras.
    (with C. Geiss)
    Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Representations of Algebras,
    CMS Conference Proceedings 18 (1996), 189-199.

  4. Quadratic forms and strongly simply connected algebras.
    In: Proceedings of the Workshop on `Quadratic forms in the Representation
    Theory of Finite-Dimensional Algebras', Bielefeld, November 9-12, 1995.
    Volume E 96-001, SFB 343.

  5. Questions about tame algebras.
    (Report about a problem session at the Oberwolfach conference on representation theory of finite-dimensional algebras, July 1995)
    Volume E 96-003, SFB 343.

  6. A note on the D_n-pattern.
    (with C. Geiss)
    Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Representations of Algebras,
    CMS Conference Proceedings 24 (1998), 145-152.

  7. Circular biextensions of tame concealed algebras.
    Proceedings of the Conference 'Trends in the Representation Theory of Finite Dimensional Algebras',
    Contemporay Mathematics 229 (1998), 129-138.

  8. Classification problems in the combinatorial representation theory of finite-dimensional algebras.
    (with R. Nörenberg)
    In: Computational methods for representations of groups and algebras,
    Progress in Mathematics 173 (1999), 3-28.

  9. Quivers of finite-dimensional categories
    Proceedings of the Seventh Rhine Workshop on Computer Algebra (2000), 81-88.

  10. Fibre sum functors and the bimodule Ext.
    Proceedings of the Conference on Representations of Algebras - Sao Paolo 1999,
    Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics 224 (2001), 65-69.

Technical Reports:

  1. Das Darstellungstheorie-Programmpaket CREP.
    mathPAD 3 (1991), 55.

  2. CREP.
    In: Computeralgebra in Deutschland - Bestandsaufnahme, Möglichkeiten, Perspektiven.
    Edited by: Fachgruppe Computeralgebra of GI, DMV, GAMM.
    Passau and Heidelberg (1993), 253-254.

  3. CREP Manual, Version 1.0 using Maple as surface.
    (with R. Nörenberg)
    Volume E 96-002, SFB 343.

  4. CREP Manual, Part 2.
    (with R. Nörenberg)
    Volume E 97-009, SFB 343.

  5. CREP Manual, Part 3.
    (with R. Nörenberg)
    Volume E 99-007, SFB 343.

  6. CREP Manual, Part 4.
    (with R. Nörenberg)
    Volume E 00-005, SFB 343.

  7. CREP.
    (with R. Nörenberg)
    In: Computer Algebra Handbook.
    Edited by: J. Grabmeier, E. Kaltofen, V. Weispfenning.
    Berlin, Heidelberg, NewYork (2003), 368-370.


  1. Computational methods for representations of groups and algebras.
    Proceedings of the Euroconference at the University of Essen, April 1-5, 1997.
    (as editor together with G.O. Michler, C.M. Ringel)
    Progress in Mathematics 173, Birkhäuser, 1999.

  2. Algorithmic representation theory of algebras.
    Lecture notes, in preparation for a book.

Preprints of most of the papers can still be retrieved from the preprint server of the SFB 343

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Last modified: 04-2008