Finite Fourier Analysis on 7-point signals

A "signal" (sequence) of 7 points in the complex plane (or, in simple words, a general heptagon) can be expressed as a linear combination of six regular heptagons ("elementary signals"). For each signal, there is a unique linear combination producing it. The six elementary signals are shown here.

The six elementary signals.

To produce a linear combination, each of the regular heptagons may be scaled and rotated, as shown in the following image. That operation, in the complex plane, is achieved by multiplying the vertex coordinates by a complex constant ("coefficient").

Elementary signals (gray) multiplied by their coefficients. Light gray disks indicate the first point of each signal.

The heptagons, in scaled and rotated form, are then added "point-wise", i.e. the first points of each heptagons are summed up to yield the first point of the signal, the second points likewise etc.

What we have stated in the first paragraph is the fact that this operation can be performed in two directions: "Analysis", finding the heptagons that add up to a given signal, as well as "Synthesis", adding up a set of scaled and rotated regular heptagons. Taking a signal and performing analysis followed by synthesis will yield the original signal. In the same vein, take the six regular heptagons, scaled and rotated, and then performing synthesis followed by analysis will produce the six heptagons at the original scale and rotation.

The following examples have therefore been written as equations, and they can be read in both directions. Only those regular heptagons that have a non-zero coefficient are shown.

Two examples.

Interactive Analysis and Synthesis

Perform analysis and synthesis yourself with these JavaSketchpad applets. In the first applet, move the seven signal points Z1 to Z7 and watch the applet analyze the signal. The points µ1 to µ6 are the first points of the six regular heptagons. You can reveal the full heptagons ("stars") by using the "Show" buttons. The second applet lets you move µ16 and synthesizes the signal Z1-Z7 accordingly.

JavaSketchpad code produced by the jsp.awk script. See Welcome.jsp for the source.

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26. Jan 1999, Sebastian Lisken