The network

Invariants and Representations of Algebras

UIA Antwerp, Bielefeld-Chemnitz, Edinburgh-Glasgow, Essen, Ioannina, Leeds, Murcia, Paris VI, Torun, Trondheim

The European network "Invariants and Representations of Algebras" has been established under the SCIENCE and the HCM scheme of the European Union. Teams from IUA Antwerp, Bielefeld-Chemnitz, Essen, Leeds, Paris VI and Trondheim have been involved from the beginning. It has been enlarged in 1996 and includes now in addition research groups from Edinburgh-Glasgow, Ioannina, Murcia and Torun.

Within the network, the research groups have been dealing with representations of algebras from very different point of views: from the perspective of group representations (Essen, Leeds), differential operator algebras (Edinburgh-Glasgow, Antwerp), quantum groups (Antwerp, Bielefeld, Paris), concentrating on representations of finite dimensional algebras (Bielefeld, Ioannina, Leeds, Trondheim, Torun) or on general rings (Antwerp, Edinburgh-Glasgow, Leeds, Murcia).

The network has been formed in order to use the specific expertise and competence of the participating teams; the combined knowledge and interactive cooperation will be necessary in order to push forward the representation theory of algebras. The network is organizing four Euroconferences devoted to the main aspects of the theory. They will serve to spread the existing knowledge and to provide an efficient training for young researchers. In addition, these conferences provide the possibility for a regular exchange of new ideas and for discussing recent developments.

The research teams involved in the network:
28.6.1996 Last modified: 28.6.1996